I've made an EXCITING discovery about Mars from recent images

I was just looking at the images from the Curiosity Mars mission and I've think I've found something incredible. I want to put this prediction down for the record. 

Curiosity landed in this giant crater called Gale Crater because it is an "area of interest". In the middle is a mountain they call Mount Sharp which is about 3 miles high. Here's a photo:

Scientists are very curious about this mountain, they are going to send Curiosity over to it to investigate it. Nasa scientists say "We don't really know the origins of Mount Sharp" - MSNBC. (Hehe, well I do :^)  )
They say they are going to be able to determine a lot about Martian history by looking at the geological layers of the mountain. They said there is evidence of water around the mountain and in the crater signs that the crater was full of water at some point, like a giant lake. "Its main mission is to determine if the Gale Crater area is, or ever was, capable of supporting microbial life." Many seem to think Mount Sharp naturally formed while Mars formed or maybe it's the remains of a long dormant volcano, a caldera.

Look at this image of the crater and Mount Sharp from above:

What does this look like to you?
That, my friends, is an impact crater.
And the mountain *perfectly* in the middle of that impact crater? That "mountain", Mount Sharp, is the remains of a comet that crashed into Mars a long time ago (At first, I thought it could be the remains of a tiny Martian moon that lost it's orbit and fell into Mars). "Mars orbiters have detected minerals near Mount Sharp's base that only form in water." The reason they found evidence of water around the base of the mountain and in the crater is that comets are giant balls of ice. The comet, Mount Sharp, impacted Mars creating the crater and the ice became the lake in the crater. If a big comet, full of ice, crashed into Mars, guess what the resulting mind-blowing explosion/heat would do to all of that ice? (Reminds me of the theory that comets crashed into Earth, seeding it with a lot of its water).  Anyway, after a while the water evaporated off. So look at that photo of "Mount Sharp" again at the top, if I'm right, you are not just getting a close up of Mars, but a close up of an asteroid (the core of one anyway). Mount Sharp, like Curiosity, is a visitor to Mars that landed here a long time ago. It will be interesting to see if they can determine exactly how long ago.

Funny thing is scientists are thinking they are going to see a record of Mars past…. kind of true, but it's more the history of a foreign object that crashed on Mars. I guess in a sense, if it happened a LONG time ago, it has become part of mars, so it's kinda of a history of Mars. If it indeed is a comet, I hope they figure it out fast or else they are going to be making an awful lot of false assumptions about Mars.

They are excited about the possibility that Mars had water and had primitive life, so this will be a let down, because the water came from an external source. On the other hand, maybe even our water came from an external source.

Comets, meteors tend to have a bunch of rare minerals, metals.. so if Curiosity finds, let's say.. gold.. they are might scream "Eureka!! Mars is full of gold!" but they'd be wrong, because they are operating from a false assumption. The gold is in one spot. In the remains of the comet.

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